These days I'm a student again.
I didn't realize how much have I been missing to do this until I started again... he he!
It's really a good time, no need to worry about money (at least not only hehe). Up until a couple of weeks, I was teaching English in the branch of Delter in Nantong, Jiangsu.
But now I'm in Beihang University! Studying chinese during the summer...
Right now, no need to worry about preparing classes for teaching my kids (which I miss a lot). Of course I enjoyed, don't get me wrong but we have to deal with the fact that sometimes your creativity is not at his best and you feel worried about how to make your class interesting and enjoyable, hehe.
I will say that I have some Chinese lessons during this past 10 months in China (time really flies... ufff!) but they were not really formal ones, more of the kind of "Intercultural exchange". My friends in Nantong, one from the school itself and one from Nantong University who I met online and then face to face, used to meet me once or twice a week. We talked about our life, our culture, way of thinking, etc. Sometimes we translated some sentences, but mostly we were talking English, since they were quite good and me.. well quite poor to follow a discussion topic haha...
The good news is that I practiced a lot in the streets too, people in the market, in the supermarket or the bus, will never know so much English like my friends (well, yes sometimes, but not usually hehe), so those were the real chances where I could speak. When my colleagues, like Kevin and Brian and I used to eat out, we went to a café (oh... Mao's café times.... nostalgia starting so soon....) or to the fruit shop and we have to figure out how to get food and with a lot of work sometimes also be able to get the food we were fancing hehe...
Well, on Monday I had my level test! And I'm so happy hehe, it turns out that all that effort paid hehe... Now, my pronounciation is less bad haha... I start to be more understandable and I got a place on the C group, that is like high intermediate yes!!! haha..
Today is Wednesday. My head is all crazy, talking Chinese (Mandarin) all day and also trying to talk some Korean given that most of my classmates (85%) are from this country! hehe..
Everyday I'm learning about 25-30 words, could seem so few but believe me when you have already some in your head sometimes you start confusing them, and also is not only a memory exercise but a speaking one and listening one, because we have dictation every day about the last lesson vocab hehe.
Chinese is great! I love to be able to talk it little by little... I was sooo looking forward to this.
And Beihang University is quite big and nice. I'll promise to send pictures in my next blog hehe.
Enough for now, have to go. I'll meet a friend to go to an acrobatics show =)
Bye for now!
PD Please don't hesitate to ask me question or suggest if you have any topic you would like me to post about...
1 comentario:
Is very interesting how people evolves as time and situations pass by. Yesterday a teacher, today a student...
The realy important things are inside. The way you feel and the people you met, know and love.
Live is a game that we dont need to win to enjoy it. The pleasure in the game is how you play & who are your partners & oponents...
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